Nominal PRICE


  • Digital Land Inventory: 2.525B USD
  • Mined Fari Token Current Supply: 20M
  • Fari Token Nominal Value: Mined Land/Mined Supply = 126.25USD

Nominal price is an estimated price that may not actually reflect the real market price of an asset (it does not adjust for inflation). – Market Business News

What is Nominal Pricing?

The Fari Token has two prices: market price and nominal price. The nominal price is the value of the token when you use it in the platform thru a nominal pool to purchase attention or digital land. Nominal pools create an instant marketplace where Fari tokens can be exchanged at a fair price for a discount.

Nominal pools solve many problems: First, they don’t require users to subscribe to centralized exchanges, protecting their privacy and funds. Second, they create a fair market for token holders to liquidate some of their tokens at a fair price without taking on the risks of decentralized exchanges. Third, nominal pools can help lower the volatility of crypto assets and better estimate their prices.

How is Nominal Pricing Calculated?

Fari is backed by discounts on thousands of billboards, the attention of users, digital land, and physical ad space in real screens subscribed to the network. This makes the utility of the token predictable. The nominal price can be calculated by adding up the value of the Fari-backing assets and dividing this value by the current supply of Faris.

How Does Nominal Pricing Help Bitfari?

Nominal pricing guarantees advertisers a dollar value of impact when placing campaigns. This means they don’t have to experience crypto’s ups and downs.

Can Nominal Pricing Stabilize Crypto?

No. In crypto, market prices are used to describe the value of a token since turning that token into dollars is a very common use case. To calculate the market price of any given token, the nominal price needs to be adjusted to the demand for the token. So, in dollar terms, the market price is a better measure of what someone who is not a part of the ecosystem would pay for the token.

What Can the Nominal Price be Used For?

To estimate a campaign’s reach using the Fari token vs US dollars, to calculate how much digital land Faris can buy, and to understand how much backing crypto-couponing campaigns need.

Will the Fari Token Reach Its Nominal Price?

Fari tokens can have a market value that could be either larger or smaller than their nominal price. Do not use Fari tokens to speculate since Faris are not investment vehicles, but tokens to place ads at a discount.

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