Bitfari Roadmap


M3 Release

M3 Release, v0.0.6 – IN PROGRESS (10%). Expected in Q1 2025. Wallet Release + Attention Mining + Decentralized screen networks.

LESLOR Release

Leslor Release, v0.0.5 – IN PROGRESS (20%) – TESTING SOME FEATURES. Expected in Q3 2024. Includes social networking and geo-search. The DAO will focus on building an app ecosystem and scaling/maintaining the platform.

Ambassador Platform

Ambassador Platform, part of the Leslor Release v0.0.6 – COMPLETED – IN TESTING. Marketing and social media referrals, growth platform and auto-community building system.


Cervantes Release

Cervantes Release, v0.0.4 – COMPLETED – IN TESTING. This release is  focused on web advertising and online content monetization. Already released: coverpage.btc network, reverse.btc network, Digital Land NFT Marketplace and network upgrades.

Picasso Release

Picasso Release, v0.0.3 – COMPLETED – IN TESTING  In this release, Bitfari will popularize a new medium of advertisement: the AR Billboard. Advertisers, small businesses, and consumers will be able to zone, create, and populate “Augmented Reality Billboards” rivaling the size of a large building. As Picasso created cubism to highlight the soul of his subjects by injecting them with movement, Bitfari will release experimental technology projecting ads on windshields equipped with smart glass and will also integrate the solution with personal AR devices and smartphones.  Billboards will be created and sold on the Bitfari platform and will be contextual and programmable from day one. In honor of this great artist, Bitfari AR Billboards will be known and sold as “Picasso Billboards”. Picasso needs no introduction, regarded as one of the most influential artists of the 20th century, he is known for co-founding the Cubist movement, the invention of the constructed sculpture, the co-invention of collage, and for the wide variety of styles that he helped develop and explore. Exceptionally prolific throughout the course of his long life, Picasso achieved universal renown and immense fortune for his revolutionary artistic accomplishments and became one of the best-known figures in 20th-century art. More about Pablo Picasso

Parra Release

 Parra Release, v0.0.2 – COMPLETED – IN TESTING
With this release, we will establish the foundation of agency networks and apps. For the first time, agencies from around the globe will be able to join Bitfari and publish contextual, programmable ads.  With contextual ads, advertisers and regular citizens will be able to place ads using microtargeting, lowering their costs into fractions of cents until a match arrives. This will likely result in companies creating programmatic ads for a substantial fraction of their inventories. By the same token, social causes, movements, and concerned parties will be able to advertise programmatically, making their messages reach further for less. Agency creation will be open to everyone and we hope that independent creators will seize the opportunity to advertise and grow the Bitfari platform to benefit their customer base. The Parra release will allow the creation of apps that create impromptu ambient networks of identified and pseudonymous actors to remove frictions for local commerce. Such apps will include automatic signage translation to the native language of the user, digital document distribution based on geolocation, geo-mail, local forums, and chats, hyper-graffiti, geo-stories, etc. Bitfari is very proud to recognize Nicanor Parra by naming contextually distributed and programmable ads as “Parra Ads”. Nicanor Parra was one of the most influential poets in the Spanish language of the 20th century. He was a poet, mathematician, and physicist. He was proposed on four occasions for the Nobel Prize in Literature. On December 1st, 2011, Parra won the Spanish Ministry of Culture’s Cervantes Prize, the most important literary prize in the Spanish-speaking world. More about Nicanor Parra

Neruda Release

Neruda Release, v0.0.1 – COMPLETED 
 With this release, we will establish the foundation of the Bitfari network: Community ads. Neruda will bring all of the Bitfari apps to light, screen projectors, wallets, explorer ads, publishing systems, and datamarts. Beta testers will be able to use the FARI token to make purchases in the system, receive rewards and broadcast their messages in the form of ads and other types of communication.
This release will introduce users to Bitfari and give them a taste of the system. They will experience BitfariDAO – our decentralized governance system, experiment with their shopping and interest lists, and create global movements by leveraging common grounds. Bitfari’s community network is named in honor of Pablo Neruda, the greatest poet of the American Continent. Pablo Neruda was a Chilean poet-diplomat and politician known for his broad poetic range and powerful verses. The Colombian novelist Gabriel García Márquez once called him “the greatest poet of the 20th century in any language”, and the critic Harold Bloom included Neruda as one of the writers central to the Western tradition in his book The Western Canon. Neruda won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1971. More about Pablo Neruda
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